Sometimes when I'm searching the Bible for a verse I'm trying to remember, I come across a passage that jumps out at me. It grabs my attention and says, "read me, because this is important." It's a testament to the Bible being the living word of God. Today an e-mail from the ACLJ reported that "The Obama Administration finally admits that ObamaCare will use taxpayer money to fund abortions," ( Of course, I posted the article on Facebook because Christians cannot, in good conscious, pay for abortions. It goes against everything that we believe.
Searching the Scripture for a verse in which God commands us to stand firm brought me to Psalm 94:11-21. Three verses stood out to me.
When I was 13, I picketed a hospital that was conducting abortions. Today, I read that obamacare will mean my tax dollars will go toward abortions. How did we get here? In 33 years our society has gone from accepting abortions in hospitals to having all citizens contribute to pay for them. I believe it is because the righteous in this country have turned a blind eye toward it. Oh, they don't like it and a few have even picketed abortion clinics and signed petitions, but the vast majority of Christians have turned a blind eye to the infiltration of feminists and Planned Parenthood in the government. Verse 20 and 21 speak to us today. "Can a corrupt throne be allied with you-- one that brings on misery by its decrees?" Can a corrupt U.S. continue to be blessed by God? Everything around me feels as if we are up against insurmountable odds. I certainly feel as if the left has banded together against the righteous and condemned the unborn children to death.
"Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?" I don't know about you, but I say, "Here I am Lord. Use me."